Ronix Thumbtail 4' 10"
The Thumbtail+ is a fun hybrid board combining the outline of a skimmer, a full rail, and extra thickness in the rear to make a smooth yet playful ride on the water.
The Thumbtail+ Combines the skate-like feel of a skimboard with the rail design of a classic surfboard and our extra-thick outline for most in buoyancy, and all pressed in our Surface Skin Exterior. Experience easier shuvits from this skate inspired profile and concave pad. This hybrid board is designed to be ridden both switch and regular with a semi twin outline and a machined pad covering the entire top deck. The Thumbtail+ has a standard thickness in the nose area for solid contact with the water, then gradually gets thicker in the rear delivering more top water speed than a traditional surf profile.
- Machined EVA Front Pad W/ Concave
- Machined EVA Rear Pad W/ Extra Tall Tail Kick
- New and improved Tool-Less Fin-S Fin System
- Liquid Lava High Temp Surf Resin
- Core - Handmade by Robots
- Compression Molded W/ Durable Surface Skin
- Fins: 1 SYM 3.0"
- Fin Boxes: 1 Fin-S